Our TEDx talks session!

On December 11, 2022 in Buenos Aires, the founders of United Species held the TEDx talk session BARRIO SAN NICOLÁS: ENVIRONMENTALISM – ACTIVA

Under the premise of listening to those who are doing concrete things to raise awareness about the climate crisis, it is more than an opportunity to get first-hand information: it is the possibility of inspiring you to see what your place can be, today, in collective evolution. We have serious problems, but there are also more lucid people who do not turn their backs on what is happening. Be one of them. As Galeano said, “Many small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world”

🌻 Organized with the support of Sofía Camussi, our Knowledge Management Expert.

🌻 The following speakers gave talks:

🌿 Virginia Gawel (Psychology graduate, activist, animalist) @virginia.gawel

🌿 Agustín Matteri (Environmental Lawyer) @agustin_matteri

🌿 Cristina Agüero (Degree in Environmental Sciences) @ecotiti77

🌿 Eugenia Figueroa (Indigenous Communicator) @soymujercolla

🌿 Fernando Momo (Doctor in Biological Sciences) @momo_viejo

🌿 Ivo Perugino (Environmental Educator) @ivoperuggino

🌿 Jazmín Safi (Graphic designer and activist) @la_chaz

🌿 María Victoria Veracierto (Lic. in Social Anthropology) @vickyveracierto

🌿 Rocío Hernández (Bachelor of Nutrition) @nutriloca

🌿 Silvina Reguera (Environmental activist, from Andalgalá, Catamarca) @silvina_reguera

🌿 Verona Fischer (Doula, labor and birth companion) @verona.danzacurandera

