NbS Hub together with ILO
Today, in an exciting milestone for NbS Hub, we had the honor of participating in the opening of the course “Job Generation through Ecosystem Services” offered by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to decision-makers throughout the Latin America and Caribbean region. Agustín Matteri, our expert in environmental law and policy, had the privilege of delivering […]
Workshop “Valuation of Ecosystem Services”
On Friday, March 31, 2023, we held a training workshop on the Valorization of Ecosystem Services for the resilience of local communities.
ReFi Workshop: Leapfrogging to integral NbS
On the 28th of June of 2023 United Species held a workshop focused on the ReFi community to understand the importance of social and environmental integrity when designing and financing climate action projects and portfolios.
NBS Workshop for the Nicoya BioRegion
On March 23, 2023 we held a workshop with local stakeholders including food producers, hotels, restaurants and environmental activists and NGOs in order to generate a project concept note to address the local problem of waste management and climate vulnerability.
Our Session at Gobeshona Conference
The third annual Gobeshona Global Conference focused on monitoring Locally- Led Adaptation (LLA) and resilience organized by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development was held virtually from 10th to 16th March 2023.
Presentation of NbS Hub in Ethereum Guatemala
On March 11, 2023, we were in Guatemala representing United Species DAO.
Bolivian Forests Finance Strategy
At the beginning of 2023, within the framework of an FAO (UN) project through funds from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), we provided strategic advice for the National Forest Financing Strategy of Bolivia.
Our TEDx talks session!
On December 11, 2022 in Buenos Aires, the founders of United Species held the TEDx talk session BARRIO SAN NICOLÁS: ENVIRONMENTALISM – ACTIVA